仆街之后的新风潮owling 前两年流行“仆街”,不少年轻人选择各种遥思议的场所平趴,然后拍照上传到社交网站。 如今,这个风潮有了个新伙伴,叫做owling。 Evolved from planking, which refers to the activity of lying face-down in an unusual location and being photographed, owling is sitting on a random object/surface in a perched position like an owl, taking a picture and then posting it on the internet. (Source: Urbandictionary. com) Owling由planking(仆街)一词演化而来,仆街指指脸朝下趴在一个让人意想不到的地方然后让人给拍照纪录下来的行为。 而owling则是任意选择某个地点,像猫头鹰一样蹲在那里,然后拍照上传到网上的行为,我们称之为“猫头鹰蹲”。 For example: I posted myself owling on Facebook and got many likes from my friends! 我把我做“猫头鹰蹲”的照片放到Facebook上,得了好多个“赞”呢!