什么是咖啡脸? 如果你看到一个人早上起来脸臭臭的,一副没睡醒的样子,我们可以叫他“咖啡脸”。 “咖啡脸”就是用来形容人早晨还没喝咖啡前脸遥很差的样子。 Coffee face refers to the ugly face people have in the morning before they drink their coffee. They will be much better once they have a cup of coffee. “咖啡脸”指的是人早晨还没喝咖啡前摆出的一张臭脸。 只需喝一杯咖啡他们就会好得多。 Some people need a cup of strong coffee or tea in the morning to wake them up, without the caffeine in the drinks they will feel listless and irritable. 有些人早上起来需要喝一杯浓咖啡或浓茶才能清醒,没有这些饮料中的遥他们就会感觉无精打采,而且烦躁易怒。 Example: Husband: Honey you look awful. Are you coming down with something? 丈夫:亲爱的你的脸遥看起来很糟。 发生什么事了吗? Wife: No, it's just my coffee face. Brew some coffee for me. 妻子:没什么,这不过是我的“咖啡脸”而已。 给我煮点咖啡吧。