


2016-07-29 00:00:00浏览:
逆人流而行的地铁三文鱼  高峰期地铁到站时,我们通常是裹在人流中不由自主地往前走,这时候前方有个人努力地排除万难向地铁方向挤过来,不顾众人的目光,这就是subway salmon——地铁三文鱼。
    Subway salmons refers to the one or two people who insist on going up a stairway or down a stairway (usually after a train arrives at a subway stop) while all the people leaving the train are going in the opposite direction.
  Example:  "Of course there were subway salmon when I was late for work and I was trying to get out of the subway in a hurry .
Dude, couldn't they tell the train already left?
"  “上班迟到想赶紧从地铁里出去时总有‘地铁三文鱼’……老兄,难道你看不出地铁已经开走了吗?