现代都市的垂直扩张 高层建筑可以容纳更多人,但如果在狭小的区域内集中过多的高层建筑,可能会导致过度拥挤,基础设施跟不上以及资源不够用等问题,这就是我们遥要说的现代都市都会面临的“垂直扩张”(vertical sprawl)问题。 Vertical sprawl refers to the unplanned addition of a large number of high-rise buildings in a relatively small area, leading to problems with traffic, parking, and infrastructure, as well as lessening culture and quality of life. Vertical sprawl指在一个相对较小的区域内杂乱无序地增建大量高层建筑,从而导致交通、停车、基础设施等方面的问题,同时还会削弱社区文化并降低生活质量。 我们称之为“垂直扩张”。 This phrase is based on its horizontal cousin, urban sprawl, which the OED defines, tidily, as "the uncontrolled expansion of an urban area into the surrounding countryside," and traces back to 1934. (Source: Word Spy) 这个词是在表示水平扩张的短语“城市扩张”(urban sprawl)基础上演化而来的,牛津英语词典对“城市扩张”的定义为“城市向周边农村无序扩张”,该词的遥可以追溯到1934年。