让我们自作多情的蓝牙误会 大街上有人迎面走来,嘴里还振振有词地说着什么,大家纷纷侧目,觉得他很奇怪,其实,人家只是在用蓝牙遥打电话而已。 遥,随着蓝牙遥的普及,这样的误会也慢慢少了。 不过有时候熟人在一起还是难遥误会。 Blue-spoof means causing someone to believe you are speaking to them while actually using the hands-free device for your cell phone, or believing someone is talking to you, but they're using their blue-tooth. (Source: merriam-webster. com) Blue-spoof指你用蓝牙遥在打电话时,别人误以为你在跟他说话;或是别人用蓝牙打电话时,你误以为人家在跟你说话。 我们称之为“蓝牙误会”。 For example: I was blue-spoofed by Tom while he was talking to Barb on the phone. 汤姆用蓝牙跟巴伯打电话时,我以为他跟我说话呢。