谨防家庭主妇手 不少女遥结婚后,洗洗涮涮的事情就多了起来,某日无意间一看,发现自己的手已然面目全非,早已不是当初那双纤纤玉手。 不仅干燥、粗糙,有时还遥裂、发痒、脱皮。 这就是俗称的“家庭主妇手”。 Housewife's Hand Dermatitis is a hand skin disease with the symptom of rough, red, swollen, itching hand, sometimes even skin peeling or cracking. This skin condition is mostly the result of great exposure to chemical detergents while doing housework. 家庭主妇手,是一种手部皮肤病,主要表现为皮肤粗糙、红肿、痛痒,有的甚至会出现脱皮和开裂。 这种病多由于做家务劳动时频繁接触化学清洁剂造成。 Hand is the body part that suffers most from aging. To prevent against “housewife’s hand”, you should using hand cream frequently, wear cotton gloves or leather gloves in cold days, and don’t forget to put on your rubber gloves while doing dishes and laundry, buy the kind of dishwashing detergent and laundry detergent that is gentle to your hand. 手是女人较容易衰老的身体部位。 预防“家庭主妇手”,就要勤擦护手霜,在寒冷的天气带上棉手套或皮手套,别忘记在洗碗洗衣服时戴上塑胶手套,并尽量选用不伤手的洗洁精和洗衣液。