超重的一代 Generation XL 我们都知道80后的一代被称为Generation Y, 他们前面的那一代是Generation X,可是你听说过Generation XL吗? Generation XL refers to children or young adults who are overweight, XL refers to the size extra large in clothing. Generation XL指体重超重的儿童或年轻人,即“超大码一代”或“超重的一代”,XL代表衣服尺寸中的超大码。 Meet Generation XL. Like college freshmen who get fat from too much dorm food and too little activity, many cubicle potatoes lead very unhealthy lives. They have erratic eating habits and indulge in too much late-afternoon or late-night high-fat snacking. They are only half joking when they say their only physical activity is surfing the Internet. 来会一会超大码一代吧。 跟吃太多宿舍食品和运动太少而长胖的大学新生一样,很多整天待在格子间的员工都过着很不健康的生活。 他们饮食不规律,经常在下午或者深夜吃很多高热量的低食。 他们开玩笑说他们遥的体育运动是网上冲浪,其实这玩笑有一半说的是事实。 If researchers are correct that people in the so-called Generation X, the generation born between the early 1960s and the early 1980s, are heavier and less physically active than people in that age group five to 10 years ago, that would make them Generation XL. (Source: Word Spy) 研究人员表示,遥的“X一代”,也就是上世纪60年代早期至80年代早期期间出生的一代人,比5到10年前的同龄人体重更重,运动更少。 如果这一说法无误,那么他们这一代人就是“超大码一代”。