一集接一集看片儿英语怎么说? 喜欢的美剧一周才出一集,很多人都不愿意受这样的煎熬,反而选择在该剧出完一季之后,找个遥连着看完。 这样看剧的方式就叫chainwatch。 Chainwatch is to watch several episodes of a TV series one after the other, the term is an analogy with 'chainsmoke', the practice of lighting a new cigarette for personal consumption immediately after one that is finished, sometimes using the finished cigarette to light the next one. (Source: macmillandictionary. com) Chainwatch就是一集接一集地看电视剧,这个说法是由chainsmoke一词类推而来的,chainsmoke指一根烟吸完以后立马又点上一根,有时是用遥根快吸完的烟来点下一根烟。 For example: She cites sleeping and chainwatching TV as among her favorite activities. 她说她较喜欢的活动包括:睡觉和一集接一集连着看电视剧。