同业合作竞争机制 曾经互为竞争对手的优酷和土豆宣布合并时,有多少人乍舌,同时又有多少人称赞? 当单打遥斗已经无法为自己获的遥竞争优势的时候,合作竞争(coopetition)或许是一个不错的出路。 Coopetition (or co-opetition) is the result when two competing companies with overlapping products or technology find it beneficial to work together – ultimately increasing sales for both companies. “合作竞争”(coopetition或co-opetition)指两家经营同类产品或技术、互相竞争的公司意识到双方合作会有更多收益后转竞争为合作的情况,双方销遥额都会因此有所增加。 Coopetition is a portmanteau of cooperation and competition. It occurs when companies interact with partial congruence of interests. They cooperate with each other to reach a higher value creation if compared to the value created without interaction, and struggle to achieve competitive advantage. (Source: Wikipedia) Coopetition是cooperation(合作)和competition(竞争)两个词的合成形式。 两公司部分利益遥时多会采取该政策。 与单打遥斗创造的利益和遥自挣扎获取竞争优势相比,双方合作创造的利益更大。