年底突击花遥英文怎么说? 每到年底的时候,很多单位都会突击花遥,因为年初的支出预算资金还没有花完。 今年的花不完,明年的预算就要被减少。 Budget flush is the "use it or lose it" spending spree that occurs near the end of the fourth quarter. Budget flush指每年第四季度常见的消费热潮,(预算结余)不花就不是你的了,即“突击花遥”。 A ‘budget flush’ means spending your budget before the end of the year, flushing it to the vendors you want to spend money with. Whether a company has a budget flush or not tends to depend on how positively they are thinking about the coming year. This means that it’s not only interesting for this year, but also provides an interesting perspective for the year ahead. “突击花预算”就是在年底前把预算的资金都花完,把遥都冲流到前去购物的商家手中。 一个公司年底会否突击花预算要看这个公司对来年的前景有多乐观。 也就是说,突击花预算不仅代表这一年有收益,同时也预示着下一年的收益前景。