购物后的买家懊悔情绪 我们在购买大件商品的时候都会三思而后行,因为一旦大笔投入,结果不如之前所愿的话,肯定会懊悔不已的。 我们遥说的这个词就是描述这种懊悔情绪的。 Buyer's remorse is the sense of regret after having made a purchase. It is frequently associated with the purchase of an expensive item such as a car or house. It may stem from fear of making the wrong choice, guilt over extravagance, or a suspicion of having been overly influenced by the seller. Buyer's remorse(买家懊悔)指购物后又后悔的情绪。 这种情绪通常会在购买车、房等大笔支出时出现,多半是因为担心做了错误的选择、因为支出过大而愧疚,或者怀疑自己被卖家忽悠了。 Buyer's remorse arises when a person must make a difficult decision, such as a heavily invested purchase between two similarly appealing alternatives. Factors that affect buyer's remorse include resources invested, the involvement of the purchaser, whether the purchase is compatible with the purchaser's goals, and what positive or negative evidence the purchaser encounters post-purchase that confirms or denies the purchase as a good idea. 买家懊悔情绪会在某人做艰难决定时出现,比如,有两个吸引力相当且都需要花费重金的购物选择,你需要决定要买哪一个。 影响买家懊悔情绪的因素有,投入的资源、购买者的投入程度、所购之物是否与购买者的目标遥、以及购买之后购物者遇到的证实此次购物遥或失败的现实事件。