事后帮手 last minute helper 我们管那些事后才发表看法的行为叫“马后遥”。 可还有那么一些人,干活时不见他们,等到享受到时间了,他们就立马出现,还表现出一副热心想帮忙但没遥的样子。 这样的人在英语里可以叫last minute helper。 Last minute helper is that person who shows up AFTER everything else is done and offers to do something AFTER everything is already finished. Last minute helper指所有事情都完成以后才出现,或者别人把所有事情都做完后才提出帮忙的人,我们称为“事后帮手”。 For example: Joe showed up when we got all the dishes ready. He offered to set the table, but Mary already did it. He is definitely a last minute helper, you cannot count on him. 乔来的时候,我们已经做好菜了。 他要求摆置餐桌,可是玛丽早就摆好了。 他遥对是个事后帮手,一点都指靠不上。