地板衣橱 floordrobe 有一句话说“女人的衣橱是永远都填不满的”,意指女人对衣服的热爱是永远不会停歇的。 放在现实生活中来说,衣橱再大也有被填满的时候,哪怕你把所有房间的地板都用来放衣服,也总有一天你会无处下脚的。 地板上放衣服? 你不是没有尝试过吧? Like its root word, wardrobe, which is a noun referring to a tall piece of furniture that provides storage space for clothes, a floordrobe also "provides storage space for clothes. " The "space" it refers to, however, is not a piece of furniture but the more ambiguous and amorphous space of your living room or bedroom floor. Floordrobe这个词的原形是wardrobe,指放置衣物的大件家具,即衣橱,floordrobe也为我们“提供放置衣物的空间”。 不过,这里所说的“空间”并不是指某样家具,而是指起居室或卧室的地板,这个空间相对而言没有明确定义也没有明确的形状。 So, any room which consists principally of discarded clothes – covering the floor and the furniture and every available space – is a “floordrobe. ” 因此,任何一个地板、家具及所有可能的地方都堆满衣服的房间都可以被称为floordrobe(地板衣橱)。 与之相似的还有一个词是chairdrobe,指把衣服放在或堆在椅子上。