童心未泯的kidult 有些人年龄不大,但很老成;有些人年纪不小,却依然童稚未脱。 估计我们身边都会有这样的人吧,心里一直不想长大,只要在可能的情况下,尽量让自己过着看上去充满童真的生活。 Kidult(a blend of kid and adult) refers to a so-called grown-up who doesn't want to grow up (or at least act like an adult) and would instead prefer so-called "children's" stuff for entertainment, like cartoons, toys, comic books, Disney movies, etc. Kidult(kid和adult两次的混合形式)指那些表面看上去已经成年、但心里不想长大(或至少不想像大人那样行为做事)的人,他们会更加倾向于选择一些儿童类娱乐项目,如遥、玩具、漫画书以及迪斯尼电影等。 He or she also enjoys colorful "kiddie" snacks and dresses like a teenager or perhaps younger. They may or may not be great parents as well as being able to take on adult responsibilities, but not necessarily too immature at least in the public. 他们还喜欢那些多彩的儿童低食并且把自己打扮得像个中学生或者更年轻的样子。 他们可能是,也可能不是称职的父母,能不能担起成年人的责任也说不准。 不过,在公共场合,他们倒也不会表现得那么不成熟。