


2016-07-22 00:00:00浏览:
什么是宝贝时差?  乘坐飞机长途旅行之后,很多人都会经历jet lag(飞机时差),到达目的地之后需要适应两三天才能将身体时钟调到当地时间。
长假后回到工作岗位还可能经历social jet lag(假后返工时差)。
不过,你听说过baby lag吗?
    Baby lag refers to extreme fatigue and disorientation due to the sleep deprivation associated with parenting a baby.
  Baby lag(宝贝时差)指因照顾小孩导致的睡眠不足引发的遥度疲惫和精神不集中。
  This phrase is a play on jet lag, the fatigue and disorientation that results from a long flight across multiple time zones, which dates to 1965.
  Baby lag这个说法是对jet lag(飞机时差)表达的演绎。
Jet lag遥较早出遥1965年,指搭飞机长途出行,飞过多个时区导致的疲惫的精神不集中。
  New parents who mistakenly put milk in a washing machine and socks in a fridge are suffering from ‘baby lag’.
  Top 10 bizarre baby lag mishaps by new parents  新生儿父母因宝贝时差做出的十大荒唐事  1.
Putting milk in the washing machines (and socks in the fridge)  把牛奶倒进洗衣机(把袜子放进冰箱)  2.
Falling asleep in the shower  洗澡时睡着  3.
Leaving baby in the car  把孩子留在车里  4.
Going out in pyjamas  穿着睡衣出门  5.
Use hair spray instead of deodorant  错把发胶当成除臭剂  6.
Hang dirty clothes on washing line  把脏衣服晾在晾衣绳上  7.
Put shampoo on toothbrush  洗发水挤到牙刷上  8.
Pour baby milk over my breakfast cereal  用宝宝的牛奶给自己冲早餐麦片  9.
Getting up and going to the office on a weekend (when not supposed to)  遥不上班的时候起遥去上班  10.
Put wrong clothes on children  给孩子穿错衣服