无聊约会中的解困来电 被家人逼着去相亲,为了能尽快脱身,你提前跟好友商量好,让他/她在15分钟后给你打电话,然后你就可以佯装有急事提前离开了。 这样的事情有多少人经历过呢? 在英语中,这样的电话叫escape call。 Escape call is a planned call or beep from a co-worker that allows you to feign an emergency in order to escape a particularly boring or meaningless meeting, or from a friend that helps you escape from an unsatisfying, even embarrassing blind date. Escape call就是无聊会议期间接到事先安排好的同事来电,好让你佯装出紧急状况逃离那个会议;或是相亲过程中朋友打来将你从尴尬约会中救出的那通电话,我们统称为“解困来电”。 Reasons for the call can be various, such as a neighbor calling about a leaky pipe; a mother informing that a sister just had a baby; or a boss saying he needs help immediately. 这种解困电话编出的由头很多,可以是假装邻居打来说你家水管露水了,假装你妈妈来电说你姐姐生小孩了,或是假装老板来电要你立即赶过去帮忙等等。