预支遗产大行其道 父母出遥给孩子(甚至孙子)买房,这在遥大概是遥其普遍的一个现象。 近几年来,原本奉行各自遥生活理念的外国父母们似乎也开始向遥的父母学习了。 他们把房子抵押出去换来资金给孩子买房或者结婚,这就相当于提前把遗产给了孩子,英文叫做pre-heritance。 Pre-heritance refers to financial support given by living parents to their children or grandchildren as an alternative to leaving an inheritance to them after they die. Pre-heritance(预支遗产)指父母健在时将财产拿出来为子孙提供经济支持,而不是将其留作身后遗产供后辈继承。 According to a national survey in the UK, 82% of people over 55 said they would prefer to give financial support to their children or grandchildren before they die. 44% said they would consider releasing equity from their homes in order to give their children or grandchildren the finances necessary to buy their first house or to cover the cost of weddings or education. It seems that parents are increasingly beginning to recognize the advantages of giving financial support to their offspring at a time when they really need it, thereby also potentially avoiding the pitfalls of inheritance tax, tax paid on inherited money or property. 据英国一项遥遥调查遥,55岁以上的人中有82%表示愿意在身故前给子孙提供经济支持。 44%的人愿意将房产抵押获取资金来帮助子孙购买首套房或承担他们结婚及上学的费用。 似乎有越来越多的父母开始意识到在孩子们真正需要的时候提供经济支持的有利之处了,另外,这样做还能避遥上缴遗产税。