


2016-07-19 00:00:00浏览:
爸爸太忙就租个钟点爸爸?  今年早些时候,长沙、南宁等地出现了“租爹热”,不少家政公司推出“钟点爸爸”租赁服务,可以根据孩子的喜好陪孩子玩耍、锻炼身体等。
    Hourly dad (or hired dad)” is a newly created term where a man is hired to take a child to and from school, play games and work out with the child.
He is paid by the hour and doesn’t need to help the child with his/her homework.
  Hourly dads are needed because many parents are too busy to take care of their children or children from single-parent families (of a single mother in particular) may need someone to spend time with them like a father.
  Experts said that this idea was created with good intentions, and there is demand in the market.
But parents are irreplaceable in a child’s life, you cannot randomly hire someone to act as his/her father.
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