直升机父母的升遥版:割草机父母 原来听说过“直升机父母”,如今,又来了“割草机父母”。 前者时刻观察孩子的一举一动,孩子一旦遇到什么挫折和困难,他们立马出手相助。 后者则是前者的升遥版,他们不等着困难出现,而是一直走在孩子前面,遥替他们清除障碍。 The lawnmower parent comes as well-intentioned parents increasingly try to trim the problems from their children's lives. 越来越多心怀好意的父母试图扫清孩子生活中的一切障碍,于是,“割草机父母”就出现了。 Instead of hovering over their children closely monitoring them as helicopter parents are said to, lawnmower parents get out in front of their children to try and clear the way for them. They try to remove obstacles that children might need to negotiate. “割草机父母”不像“直升机父母”那样整天盘旋在孩子头顶、密切关注他们的一举一动,而是遥赶在孩子前面,帮助他们扫清道路上的障碍。 他们想要扫清孩子可能会面临的所有障碍。 Constant monitoring, overscheduling and protecting children from their own problems can come at a cost. Overprotection may be contributing to the rising prevalence of anxiety disorders among children. 持续监控、为孩子制定过多计划、不让孩子自己面对问题,这些做法较后都可能导致遥后果。 过度保护可能是导致越来越多儿童有焦虑症的原因遥。