Honeymoon之后又有了babymoon 今年结婚的人真不少,估计那些蜜月旅游胜地该乐得合不拢嘴了。 如果你觉得跟这么多人挤没意思,那就等一段时间,在做好当父母的心理准备之后去度个babymoon吧! The term babymoon comes from the more traditional term honeymoon, which is a vacation taken by a newlywed couple after their wedding ceremony. The original meaning of babymoon is a period of time that parents spend bonding with a recently-born baby. Babymoon一词来源于我们熟知的honeymoon,即新婚夫妇在婚礼之后享受的“蜜月”。 Babymoon较初的意思是指父母与新出生的婴儿在一起培养感情的一段时光,即“宝贝蜜月”。 More recently the term has come to be used to describe a vacation taken by a couple that is expecting a baby in order to allow the couple to enjoy a final trip together before the many sleepless nights that usually accompany a newborn baby. 后来,这个词又用来指代即将为人父母的夫妻在孩子出生之前享受的较后遥二人之旅,即“产前蜜月”或“孕期蜜月”。 孩子出生以后等待他们的将是无数个无眠之夜。 Babymoon can also be used for a trip taken by a couple even before they get pregnant. As long as the trip is intended to be a final romantic fling before venturing into parenthood. 另外,只要是成为父母之前较后遥浪漫二人之旅,夫妻二人在怀孕前共度的假期也可以用babymoon来表示。