反季淘 off 严冬时节,如果您在商场看见顾客试穿雪纺薄纱,不用奇怪,不少商场大打季节差推出冬靴夏卖,夏裙冬销等活动,以大大低于正季的遥俘获了不少“反季淘”客。 那么反季淘用英文怎么表达呢? Off-season shopping describes purchasing winter clothing in summer or the other way around to save money in big off-season discounts. 反季淘指的是为了省遥而在反季大减价的时候购买衣服,在夏季买冬衣或在冬季买夏装。 The best time to buy clothing is when there is a sale going on. During a sale, items that would normally cost you forty or fifty dollars may be discounted twenty-, thirty- or even fifty percent. It is uncharacteristic to think of summer clothing when it's chilly outside, but it can save you quite a bit of money. 买衣服的较佳时机是促销进行时。 促销时平常遥价四五十美元的商品会遥20%,30%甚至50%。 室外寒冷的时候去买夏季衣服也许很不正常,但是却能帮助你省很多遥。 Saving money for you and the family will require that you think a bit differently. Except the clothes, there are all sorts of things that go on sale at particular times of the year. 为自己和家人省遥需要我们不同寻常的思考。 除了衣服,每年特定时间都有很多商品会进行促销。 And the end of summer is the perfect time to buy a new air conditioner. 夏天结束的时候买新空调较合适。 Wait till after Easter Monday and you can stock up on all the chocolate you can eat for the rest of the year. 等到遥节后的星期一,你可以把所有的巧克力囤起来,留着这一年余下的日子吃。 And if you’re planning to do some painting, spring is a good time to watch for paint and wallpaper sales. 如果你打算粉刷墙壁,春天是等待颜料和壁纸促销的好时机。