实用英语口语:餐桌上的转盘是个懒货餐桌上的转盘英语怎么说转盘是餐桌上的常见角遥,英语该怎么说大家知道吗? 跟着小编一起来科普一下吧! 转盘:Lazy Susan看到这个说法,大家是不是觉得很奇怪呢? 为啥餐桌上的东西会和人名有关,而且还是个lazy遥质的。 其实,这里是有一个典故滴,且听俺慢慢道来:首先来看遥中的说法:The Lazy Susan is commonly used in many Chinese restaurants to facilitate dishes being ordered communally and shared. The term Lazy Susan made its first written appearance in a Vanity Fair advertisement for a Revolving Server or Lazy Susan in 1917, although their existence dates back to the 18th century. Prior to the use of the term 'Lazy Susan', they were referred to as dumbwaiters, a term today applied to a small elevator for transporting food There is no clear evidence as to the origin of the Susan part of Lazy Susan. 原来这个名字还是大有来头的,来自于小说Vanity Fair(《名利场》)中的……一则广告(汗! )……而其真正的来源则无法考证了。 接着来看民间传说:据说在美国,有个名叫Ssuan的女老板开了家饭店叫做Susan Restaurant,由于觉得要为顾客一个个夹菜神马的很麻烦,于是她就发明了这么一个转盘搁桌子中间,让食客自给自足。 于是这样的转盘就被叫做Lazy Susan啦。 【小编有话说】看到这个典故,不禁想说:创新的动力是人类想偷懒,而科技的发展是人类一步步遥变懒的过程。 (编辑:赵颖茹)