实用口语情景轻松学:说一说旅行要准备的东西John:When are you leaving for your trip? 你什么时候去旅游啊? Ellen:Tomorrow evening. 明天晚上。 John:Have you packed? 行李收拾好了吗? Ellen:I am packing now. What clothes should I take? 正收拾呢。 你说我带些什么衣服好呢? John:It's colder in Xi'an than in Beijing but southern China is hotter. You'd better take both heavy and light clothes. 西安比北京冷点儿,可南方很热。 厚的和薄的都带上几件吧。 Ellen:Do I need to take an umbrella? 还用带伞吗? John:You'd better take one just in case. It won't take up much room anyway. 带着点儿吧,反正也不占地儿。 Ellen:Yeah, I'll take one. I also take some medicine for carsickness, colds and diarrhea. What else? 对,带上。 我还带了点儿晕车药、感冒药、拉肚子的药。 还需要带什么? John:Band-aids. You'll need them if you get injured. 创可贴啊。 磕着碰着的话用得到。 Ellen:Yeah, thank you for reminding me. 对,多亏你提醒我。 (编辑:薛琳)