日常口语精华集4John Lee is a some-body, although be was a nobody two years ago. 李约翰遥已是名人,虽然两年前是默默无闻的. 原句: John Lee is a very important man, although he was anobody two years ago. He is now in the soup. 他遥糟糕了。 原句: He is now in great trouble. Keep stalling him. 继续拖延他吧。 原句: Keep brushing him off. Jack was all steamed up. 杰克非常冲动。 原句: Jack was furious. I''m having a swell time. 我玩得很开心 。 原句:I''m having a wonderful time. I was taken in. 我受骗了。 原句: I was cheated. Tell it to the marines. 我不会相信的。 原句:I don''t believe. That''s it. 不错,就是这样。 原句:That''s the whole story. There you go again. 啊呀! 你又来了! 原句:No, not again. What''s up? 有什么好资讯? 原句: What''s going on? What are you up to? 你又搞什么鬼? 原句: What do you intend to do now? I''m on the wagon. 我戒酒了。 原句: I quit drinking. Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳。 原句: Keep your voice down. Still water runs deep. 大智若愚。 原句:A wise man playing a fool. What do you say? 你的意思怎么样? 原句: What do you think? So what? 那又怎么样? 原句: What can you do about it? What''s up? 有什么事情吗? 原句: Anything happen? 实习生:李帅男