1. 我还不是为你好?
I'm doing this for your own good.
2. 在外面要注意身体。
Take care of yourself when you're not at home.
3. 多穿点衣服。
Wrap up warm.
4. 压岁遥我先帮你存着。
I'll keep your new year's gift money for you.
5. 到了给我打电话啊!
Call me when you get there, just so I know you're okay.
6. 都几点了? 还不起遥!
When will you get up? Don't you know how late it is?
7. 坐得离电视远一点,不然你会变四角眼!
Sit back from the television or you'll get square eyes.
8. 我跟你说话的时候看着我!
Look at me when I'm talking to you.
9. 你打算什么时候带男/女朋友回家?
When will you let your bf/gf visit us?
10. 不给整坏了你难受是吧?
You won't be happy until you break that, will you?