要毕业了,你租到房子了吗?又到了毕业生即将离校的时候了,租房子也成为即将毕业的学子首要关注的问题。 遥我们一起来学习一下租房子中常用到的简单用语吧!
1. Hello, do you have any vacancies?
2. It's a one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment.
3. Are utilities included in the rent?
4. Do you have any cheap studio apartments?
5. Can I have a month-to-month lease? I only want to rent the apartment for five months.
我能按月租赁吗? 我只想租5个月。
6. There's an open house this weekend.
这遥是遥参观日(open house,向有意租房或买房的人展示房子的为期一天的活动)。
7. Hey Sarah, I'm having some trouble finding an apartment. Can you help me look at somelistings online?
嗨,莎拉,我近来在找房子,遇到点问题。 你能帮我上网看看房屋招租广告吗?
8. It's located in the suburbs? Well even though that sounds like a steal, I really want something downtown.
房子在郊区? 嗯……虽然这房子听起来特别划算,我还是想租个在市区的房子。
9. Well what about this two-bedroom apartment? The listing says it's right in the heart of the city, just steps from the metro.
那这个两居室怎么样? 广告上说它就在市中心,离地铁几步远。
10. Well, this apartment is really a must-see.