你知道这些tongue习语吗?对多数人来说舌头是身体较忙碌的部分遥。 我们既用舌头来品味也用它来说话。 英语中有很多由tongue组成许多习惯用语,遥我们一起来学习一下吧。
1. a tongue-lashing 斥责、训斥
When I was ten years old, mother caught me smoking a cigarette in the backyard. She gave me such a tongue-lashing that I've never touched another cigarette all my life.
我十岁的时候躲在后院抽香烟时给妈妈抓到了。 她狠狠地训了我一顿,我一辈子再也没碰过香烟。
2. on the tip of your tongue ……就在嘴边
Her name is right on the tip of my tongue - Helen something or other, what is her last name!
3. bite one's tongue 忍住不说
I really wanted to tell her what I thought of him but I had to bite my tongue.
4. find one's tongue 开口说话
She wanted to say something but couldn't find her tongue.
5. cause tongues to wag 使(人们)议论纷纷、说闲话
The way Mary was so scantily dressed will also cause tongues to wag.
6. loosen one's tongue 酒后不自觉地说很多话(主语一般是酒)
The vodka really loosened her tongue and I found out exactly what happened that night.
7. sharp tongue 说话尖利、刻薄
He has quite a sharp tongue. Don't be totally unnerved by what he says or the way he says it.
8. silver-tongued 雄辩的,很会说话的
He was a silver-tongued orator.
9. forked tongue 骗人的假话;谎言
Don't trust the guy. He usually speaks with a forked tongue. He'll promise you to do one thing but more often than not he'll turn around and do exactly the opposite.
可别信任那家伙,他老是说假话。 他会答应你去做一件事情,但是通常却阳奉遥违,干出适得其反的事儿来。