Brennan: There is some excellent hand-eye coordination here. This is an activity that could definitely be considered a sport.
Sweets: Yeah, there's an intense competitive edge, skill stamina.
Booth: For something to be a sport, there has to be some chance of injury. Okay, guys?
Brennan: That man dressed in traditional stripes could be The Ref.
Booth: Not that kind of ref, okay? FBI.
Chris Ballinger: What can I do for the FBI?
Booth: We'd like to ask you a few questions about Steve Rifton.
Chris Ballinger: Well, I've got a few myself. The guy just disappeared on me. We had a business deal and he left mehigh and dry. FBI, what, he wasn't kidnapped, was he?
Booth: He's dead, which is probably why he didn't keep his business commitment.