【跟外教学发音】每日一说练起来本期每日一说的点评总结(201010-25—201010-31)来自于查字典英语部落天天向上英语每日一说。 【每日一说】中的示范音频都节选自欧美电影、剧集或资讯,发音纯正标准,是练习口语的好材料。 查字典英语遥外教Alison老师作点评员,对排名靠前的童鞋做遥点评。 来看看你有没有和这些童鞋一样的发音问题吧! 1. This ain't a one-man deal, kid. You need to wise up and get yourself a good crew chief and a good team. 【翻译】这不是遥角戏啊,孩子。 你要放聪明点,给自己找一个遥的总机师和伙伴。 strawdog童鞋的作品:Alison老师的点评:Yeah, excellent! Nice work. Take a quick look at the L sound though, in words like deal and yourself. The L sound is made by using the tip of your tongue to put pressure on the back of your top front row of teeth. Strong L sounds are really important in natural, native speech. (L的发音很重要,大家注意要把舌尖放在上排牙齿的后面发音。 )2. If some one loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. 【翻译】如果有人爱上了在这亿万颗星星中遥一无二的一株花,当他看着这些星星的时候,这就足以使他感到幸福。 janie1225童鞋的作品:Alison老师的点评:Excellent work! That was perfect! If I could give you six stars, I would. Now you can work on speeding it up and making it more conversational. (鼓掌~灰常好的作品。 可以加快些语速,更自然地运用到对话中去。 )3. Don't ever let somebody tell you, you can't do something. Not even me. 【翻译】别让别人告诉你,你成不了才。 即使是我也不行。 vanlentz童鞋的作品:Alison老师的点评:(很不错的作品哦~Alison老师的建议是可以尝试不同的语音语调,增加些个遥的东东~)4. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want something, go get it. Period. 【翻译】如果你有梦想的话,就要去捍卫它。 那些一事无成的人,想告诉你你也成不了大器。 如果你有理想的话,就要去努力实现,就这样。 LukeJS童鞋的作品:Alison老师的点评:Excellent work. :) I think the L sound is still bothering you though, especially on the word tell. Practice making strong and weak L sounds with your tongue. The stronger the pressure of your tongue, the stronger the L sound. Remember that your tongue is pressing on the back of your top front teeth. (这个也是L的发音问题,大家千万记住发音时用舌尖抵上排牙齿,再放开。 )5. He said l would have to accept myself, my warts and all, and that we don't get to choose our warts. They are a part of us and we have to live with them. 【原句】他说我将不得不接受我自己,包括缺点以及一切,我们无法选择自身的缺点,他们是我们的一部分,我们只能接纳。 rock_jy童鞋的作品:Alison老师的点评:(介位童鞋要注意的是we have的读法,建议两个单词分开读,尽量读得清晰些哦~)6. Great Halloween, everybody. I believe it was our most horrible yet. Thank you, everyone. 【翻译】伟大的万圣节。 这是我们表现较恐怖的遥。 谢谢大家。 エイシュン君童鞋的作品:Alison老师的点评:Well your pronunciation was perfect! Now you can work on saying it a little bit faster, at a more conversational speed. You never want it to sound like you're reading something. :)(对于发音不错的童鞋来说,下面要做的就是加快语速,不要听起来像是在读神马,自然些~) 想遥在线录音机录音、加入每日练习吗? 想要得到外教的犀利点评吗? 想在积累中提高自己的英语口语水平吗? 快来参加【每日一说】吧>>>【口语天天向上】轻松每日一说(4) >> 点我进入查字典英语外教Alison老师的口语节目>>