晚上吃铁板烧怎么样查字典英语口语频道为大家整理的英语口语8000句打包下载:晚上吃铁板烧怎么样,供大家参考:)Simon:Why don’t we go for Teppanyaki tonight? Simon:我们晚上去吃铁板烧怎么样? Lian:Mmm… to be honest, I’d rather go for a pizza. Lian:嗯,说实话我更想去吃比萨。 Simon:Actually, I haven’t had a pizza for a while. Let’s do that then. Simon:其实我好久都没吃比萨了,那咱们去吧。 Lian:Ok, shall we go to Pizza Hut or Pizza Italia? Lian:那我们是去必胜客餐厅还是去比萨意大利餐厅? Simon:If it were up to me, I’d prefer to go to Pizza Hut. The toppings are much tastier. Simon:要是我说呀,我更愿意去必胜客餐厅。 他们的比萨上的配料味道更好。 Lian:I think you’re absolutely right. Ok, that’s decided then! Lian:你说的很对,那就这么定了。 Simon:See you tonight. Simon:那今晚见。