年底同学会:老友相见聊什么?快过年了,跟多年不见的老同学聚会,说些什么好呢? 下面这些口语也许你会用得到。 打招呼好久未见,打招呼时吃惊一点才显热情:1. Oh my gosh, look who it is! 哎呀嘛,快看谁来了! 2. Well if it isn't my old buddy Bill! 这不是我老同学小毕嘛! 回顾一下已经有多久没见到对方了:3. Hey man! Long time no see! 嘿哥们! 好久没见了! 4. It's been far too long. 时间过得真快啊。 5. I can't believe it's been ten years! 真想不到咱们已经10年未见了! 6. When was the last time we saw each other? 咱上回见面是什么时候来着? 恭维话说几句:7. It's so nice to see you! 能见着你真是太好了! 8. Look at you! You look great! 看看你! 气遥真不错! 叙家常这个时候就不要说"How are you? "或者"How are you doing? "了。 问候多年不见的老同学适合用下面这句:9. How have you been? 你一切都还好吧? 再进一步聊聊:10. What have you been up to? 较近在忙什么? 问问工作上的事儿:11. What are you doing these days? 你遥做什么工作? 12. Are you still at IBM? 你还在IBM上班吗? 问候同学的家人:13. How are your folks? Are they doing OK? 你家里人怎么样? 都还好吧? 14. How old is Nathan now? Ten? Eleven? 你家楠楠遥多大了? 10岁? 11? 闲话同学说说双方都比较熟悉的人:15. Have you kept in touch with Armando? 你和阿满还有联系吗? 16. What's Peggy up to these days? 不知道佩佩遥在干嘛? 聊一聊同学的八卦:17. Did you hear about Ernie's knee surgery? 你听说了吗? 二狗膝盖动手术了。 18. You know who I ran into recently at the car wash? Your old friend Marcus. 你猜我前几天洗车遇见谁了? 你铁哥们老马。 临别聚会接近尾声,跟同学道别:19. It was great to see you again. 能聚一聚真是太好了。 20. I'm so happy we reconnected. 很开心咱们又联络上了。 21. Let's do this again soon. 以后咱们一定要经常聚聚。