脏乱差英文咋说?好几天没收拾的厕所,刚办完趴踢的厨房,好几个月没住人的屋子……会是什么样子呢? 一起来看吧。 1. There's moldy food in the refrigerator. 冰箱里的东西都发霉了。 2. There's a film of grease around the stove. 炉灶上一层油污。 3. There are dirty dishes sitting in the sink. 水槽里堆满了脏盘子。 4. There are clothes strewn all over the floor. 地板上衣服扔的到处都是。 5. A thick layer of dust has built up on all the shelves. 架子上积了厚厚一层灰。 6. There are cobwebs in the corners. 角落里结满了蜘蛛网。 7. There's food splattered all over the microwave. 微波炉里洒的到处都是汤汁。 8. There are crumbs all over the counter. 满桌子都是面包渣。 9. The drains are clogged with hair. 地露上堵了一团头发。 10. There are smudges on the windows and mirrors. 窗玻璃和镜子上都是污点。 11. There are old newspapers piled up in the corner. 角落里堆着旧报纸。