第1课 打紧急电话-4第1课:打紧急电话-4【对话5:报告入室行窃案件】Hello. 9-1-1. what is the emergency?
A burglar is running away from my neighbor’s house.
Can you describe the burglar?
He is a white male with short, brown, slightly curly hair. He looks about 30 to 35 years old. He is over five feet, six inches tall, and he has a medium build and a big belly.
Thank you very much for your call. I’ll send a police car over right away. What is your name and address?
My name is Helen Smith. I live at 690 Anderson Street. My neighbor lives at 621 Anderson Street.
Thank you Ms. Smith. The police might want you to go over some pictures of known criminals and records of old burglaries with them. Is that ok?