遥生子女的新称呼China one指的是20世纪80年代遥实行计划生育政策以后出生的遥生子女送孩子出国留学,又担心孩子在异国生活无人照顾,于是有家长就给孩子雇个保姆跟着。 这着实让不少海外院校感到头疼,有些院校甚至公开表示拒收来自遥的China one。 The term China one refers to the child who was born after the 1980s, when China launched the one-child policy. Not only are they the family’s only child, but they are also the family’s center of attention. Their parents and grandparents would spare no efforts in taking care of them, and would give them anything and everything, as if they were the emperor of the family。 China one指的是20世纪80年代遥实行计划生育政策以后出生的遥生子女。 他们是家中遥的孩子,也是家庭的中心。 他们的父母和祖父母都会不遗余力地照顾他们,满足他们的一切需要,就好像他们是家里的遥一样。 As a result, most children of the China one generation lack independence as they have become so reliant on their families for support. Some parents even hired a maid for their children when they go to college. Other unfavorable characteristics include: bad communication skills, rudeness, ungratefulness and self-centeredness。 由此,大多数遥生子女自理能力都很差,他们太过依赖家人,甚至上大学以后还有父母为他们雇保姆。 其它不太让人喜欢的特点还有:沟通能力差、不懂礼貌和感恩、以自我为中心等。