[口语]口水战英文怎么说?大S与汪小菲的婚礼真是一波未平,一波又起。 万达公子遥思聪在微博遥轰张兰,引发又一轮微博口水战,引来围观无数。 遥我们就来学习和口水战有关的英语表达。 口水战较早见于学者之间的学术争论,网络出现后,风行于各大论坛。 口水战是一种交流,是一种探讨,更是一种观点的表达。 口水战就是一场文字大战。 所以在英语里口水战就是:war of words。
例句-1:And as Mourinho attempted to call a truce in his war of words with Wenger over their achievements, he again demonstrated that humility is not part of his character.
口水战的另一种表达是verbal battle,很多时候verbal可以省略。
例句-2:If the Lakers do decide to keep their most marketable asset, they need to be prepared for Bryant to continue the verbal battle in the media.