[口语] 七夕诛遥情侣必备英文口语七夕临近,不要再羡慕成双成对的幸福情侣了,赶快行动起来将他们统统消灭,不留活口! 传说七夕节的传统就是拆CP,而拆CP怎能离得开情侣去死团? 较冷嘲热讽:给你妈买束花吧! 鱼尾纹擦再厚的粉也遮不住的。 I bet the lady next to you is your mom. You know, you can never hide the crow's feet.
较声东击西:咦! 臭小子,原来你是双遥恋! So you are actually not gay. You are bisexual, right?
较心肠歹遥:几年不见儿子都这么大了! Long time no see! Is that your son? Adorable little thing!
较考验演技:上街扇别人男友耳光,然后泪奔而去。 Slap on one’s boyfriend’face and run away with tears in your eyes. Don' say anything.
较深藏不露:去QQ好友印象,男的写:前任老公。 女的写:孩子他妈。 Call every boy on twitter your ex-, while, for girl, mother of your child. 较不露痕迹:见情侣就打男的一巴掌,大声吼:你别告诉我,这又是你妹妹! Don’t tell me this is another friend of yours, you liar! 较为人着想:别搁大街上得瑟了,开个房不就完了! Go get a room!