过节遥礼 Degifting到了年底,节日多、过生日的也多,大小聚会接连不断,送出去的礼物自然也不会少。 其实,有时候想想这样来回来去送东西也挺没意思的,倒不如省去这些客套,大家多些真心相处更重要。 所以,遥要说的这个degifting一定说出了很多人的心声。 Degifting is a mutual agreement to suspend holiday gifts, usually within a single family or circle of friends. Degifting指在家庭范围或朋友圈内约定过节期间不用互赠礼物,简称过节遥礼。 Degifting can also refer to the act of replacing useless and pointless merchandise with something more meaningful, such as a charitable donation, service project or holiday party. 另外,degifting也指用更加有意义的行为取代过节时无用又无谓的商品互赠行为,比如捐赠善款、志愿服务或者办个节日聚会等。 For example:Due to the recession, we've decided that degifting is the best plan for Christmas this year. Instead, we're all getting together to serve food at the homeless shelter. 因为经济不景气,我们决定今年圣诞节较好的办法就是互遥礼物。 到时候我们会一起到流浪人员救助站为他们送些吃的过去。