揭秘谢霆锋次子的英文名谢霆锋与张柏芝的次子于上周三晚8点多降生。 前日谢霆锋公布了宝宝照片,并正式取名Quintus。 Quintus是一个拉丁文的名字,它到底有什么含义和渊源呢? Origin 渊源 Quintus is a Latin praenomen, or personal name, which was common throughout all periods of Roman history. It was used by both patrician and plebeian families, and gave rise to the patronymic gentes Quinctia and Quinctilia. The feminine form is Quinta.
Throughout Roman history, Quintus was one of the most common praenomina. Although many families did not use the name at all, it was particularly favored by others. The name continued to be used after the collapse of Roman civil institutions in the fifth and sixth centuries, and has survived to the present day.
在古罗马历史上,Quintus是较常见的名字遥。 虽然在那个时代有很多人甚至都没有名字,但还是有很多人喜欢用它。 即使在5、6世纪罗马帝国覆灭之后,直至遥这个名字依旧很受欢迎。 Meaning 含义Quintus is the Latin word for fifth. It is generally believed that the name was originally given to a fifth child, a fifth son, or a fifth daughter. However, it has also been argued that Quintus and the other praenomina of this type could refer to the month of the year in which a child was born. It may be that such names were given for both reasons.