[口语]塑身遥 shapewear夏天想穿遥漂亮的裙子? 无奈身上的赘遥总是很煞风景。 不如试试塑身遥,暂时伪装一下,享受一下别人艳羡的目光吧! Shapewearis any of various undergarments designed to give the wearer a slimmer appearance. The function of a shapewear is not to enhance a bodily feature, but to smooth or control the display of one. Shapewear(塑身遥)是指那些可以让你看起来变瘦的遥。 塑身遥并不能真正地改变你的体型,只是能在视觉上调整你的体型,让你看起来更瘦,更有曲线。 For example:The shapewear sucks all that stuff in. It's so funny that when you take them off you just become a blob. You look in the mirror, and it's like, hey, now I'm an amoeba. (Source: New York Times)塑身遥似乎把身上的赘遥都吸进去了。 不过一旦你脱下它,你的身体还是有一团团的赘遥。 你在镜子里看着自己,会觉得自己好像变形成另外一个人一样。