疯狂英语全套发音秘诀(3)秘诀16摆摆姿势和货真价实——前虚后实I had a good-time last-night. Take-care. {每次告别时都请喊这个句子,比“Bye-bye”要强很多倍! }Instead of just murmuring the common “Bye-bye” that everyone knows, impress people with a loud “take-care” when you part company! Keep-quietYou have a good-memory. Ask-Bob-to sit-behind-me. (省略了4个音)I didn’t-do it. My friend-did-it. This is a classic excuse for children of all age around the world! Keep-practicing. <特别说明>美国人说英语另外的特点是:好听、偷懒、省力、经济原则。 连音、略音就是这些特点的体现。 秘诀17略音(1)辅音+辅音——同遥相斥I don’t-know what-to do. IPA: [BI dEUnt nEu wBt tE dU:] 口语读音[Bi dEUn(t) nEu wB(t) tE dU:]K. K: [BI dont no hwBt tE dU] 口语读音[Bi don(t) no hwB(t) tE dU]I need-some-more money. IPA: [Bi ni:d sQm mC: `mQnI] 口语读音[Bi ni:(d) sQ(m) mC: `mQnI]K. K: [Bi nid sQm mCr `mQnI] 口语读音[Bi ni (d) sQ(m) mCr `mQnI]I’d-like-to try on that-shirt. What-time is our flight-tomorrow. 秘诀18略音(2)同类遥+同类遥相同的两个遥音相邻时,遥个遥音省略,只读后面的一个遥音。 Part timeIPA: [pB:(t) tBim] 省前读后K. K: [pBr(t) tBim] (t)省略She’s looking for a part-time job. Take careIPA: [teI(k) keE] 省前读后K. K: [teI(k) kZr] (k)省略Please take care of yourself. Take care not to break any glasses. I’ll take-care-of the problem. <略音和连音同时出现>秘诀19略音(3)异类遥+异类遥类似的辅音如:[t] –[d];[d]--[t];[k]-- [g];[p]--[b]出现时,遥省前读后。 What do you think? Sorry, I wasn’t listening. The boss has always been very good to her. We had a good time together. You’d better get up a little earlier. 秘诀20略音(4)在以[t][d][k][g][p]和[b]+以辅音开始的单词时,前面的辅音发音顿息,舌头达到发音部位“点到为止”,但不送气! 在正常速度或快速的对话中,字尾有[t][d]时通常不会把[t][d]的发音清楚地念出来,而是快要念出来时,马上憋气顿息,因此字尾[d][t]的发音常常是听不到的。 Let me try it. IPA: [le(t) mi: tra: :t] [t]点到为止K. K: [lZ(t) mi tra: :t]Maybe he’d like to be alone now. I think so too. I might be getting a big raise this month. Not a chance. Is it going to rain tomorrow? I hope not. I want to go to the beach. 秘诀21咬舌头把舌头轻轻放在上下牙齿的中间。 Thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three. 咬6次舌头It’s the same thing. This is better than that. They’ve been there for more than three mouths. The rumor passed from mouth to mouth. 阅读更多四遥文章:http://www. en8848. com. cn/EnglishSquare/exam/exam7/Index. html