备考策略解读:英语面试的7个小贴士Tips from Candidate No. 1 (Predicting Questions预测面试问题)You can start by collecting all of the material that is likely to be covered during your exam period. Read over the information to recognize any possible themes or patterns. If you are working with a textbook, you can use titles and subtitles to find probable themes. Now try to predict possible essay-type questions from the themes. What would you ask if you were the teacher? 开始收集所有英语复试中考官可能会问的话题。 仔细阅读这些信息来辨别可能会在复试中出现的主题或形式。 如果你手上有相关教科书可以研习,你可以多多关注主题名或副标题,以便预测可能遥遥大的主题。 遥,开始预测,如果你是考官老师,你会选择什么样的遥型问题作为面试问题呢? Tips from Candidate No. 2If possible, go back over old tests and re-word the questions you've answered before. This is how many teachers come up with questions for a comprehensive exam. 如果可能的话,重温一下往年的考查题目并重新命题你之前解答过的问题。 这是很多老师在综合考试出题时的策略。 小编提示:像老师一样思考如何测试考生,你才可以真正做到知己知彼,百战百胜。 Tips from Candidate No. 3Write down each possible question on an index card. Use these like you would flash cards, and practice answering questions out loud, in front of a mirror. 将所有可能出现的问题写在索引卡上,将这些卡片玩起来,就像你玩抽卡片游戏一样,对着镜子大声地读出你抽到问题的答案。 Why Use a Mirror? 为什么要用镜子? There are a few good reasons you should use a mirror to practice. First, the mirror will show you any nervous habits you might display as you're speaking. Secondly, the mirror reflection (as strange as it seems) will make you feel as if somebody is actually watching you as you speak. 用镜子练习有很多原因。 首先,镜子会告诉你当你讲话时会有哪些因紧张而犯的不自觉的习惯。 第二,镜子反射镜像会让你觉得当你讲话时好像有人在注视着你。 Tips from Candidate No. 4The first time you practice in front of the mirror, you should play the role of the tester. Observe yourself as he or she would. Watch for visual clues: do you smile with confidence, or do you twitch nervously? Signs of nervousness are important, because your nerves can make you forget important details when you're actually there. 首次练习时,你应该来扮演考官。 像考官一样观察镜中的自己。 从自己的形象中发现一些线索:你是否能自信的微笑,是否会紧张发抖? 紧张的迹象是很糟糕的,因为实际面试时,你一紧张就有可能会忘记一些重要的细节。 It's important to switch your point of view in front of the mirror, and pretend that the reflection is somebody else. Don't really pay attention to the person in the mirror. Instead, try to "psych yourself" into thinking that this reflection is really a teacher or tester. This technique just gives you a little practice with speaking to an audience. 在镜子面前转换话题是很重要的,你要假装镜子中是其它人。 不要太把镜子里的人当回事儿。 相反地方法,假装镜子前的人就是老师或考官,让自己认真对待。 这种方法可以帮助你练习在人前说话。 Tips from Candidate No. 5 (Using Flash Cards巧用抽认卡)Make a list of vocabulary terms and create a flash card for each one. Test yourself with the flash cards until you know everyone. 制作一系列单词卡片。 抽查卡片直到你认识卡片上的全部单词为止。 Then, select three flash cards at random. Pretend to be the tester, and ask a question that connects the three terms together. This method helps you make connections between all the concepts that have been covered on your topic. 然后,随机抽出三张卡片。 假装自己是考官,问一个会涉及到卡片上的三个词的问题。 这种方遥帮助你将所有主题的内容联系到一起。 If you are a visual learner, you may want to draw images to enhance your memory. 如果你是视觉学习者,你也可以试着画图来帮助记忆。 Tips from Candidate No. 6(Prepare the Night Before考前一晚提前准备)When you feel good about your appearance, you feel more confident and self-assured. It's a good idea to find the best outfit for the day, whether that means wearing the most businesslike outfit you own or the most comfortable outfit you own. Make sure you dress in a way that is appropriate for your situation. 当你对自己的外在感觉良好时,你会感到更自信。 选择一件遥的面试服装,无论是较有商务范儿的服装还是你穿起来较舒适的服装,都是不错的选择。 遥你的服装得体,符合场景。 Don't drink caffeine if it tends to keep you awake. You'll need plenty of sleep. Pack any papers or visual aids you might need for the test. Practice your answers in front of a mirror again. 如果咖啡会让你精神振奋,记住不要喝咖啡。 你需要充足的睡眠。 准备好考试当天你所需要纸张或视觉辅助工具。 在镜子前再练习遥你准备好的答案。 Tips from Candidate No. 7Eat something for breakfast, even if you don't feel hungry. Smile. Give yourself a moment to think before your answer. Recognize when you've said enough. It's important to know when to stop. Back up a yes or no answer with evidence or reasoning. If you don't know an answer right away, feel free to take time to think. If you are able to use a blank sheet of paper and a pen/pencil, use the paper to draw the images you created for memory boosters. 即使不饿也要记得吃早饭。 微笑。 回答问题之前先给自己点时间好好想想。 如果说的够多了要及时止住。 何时收尾是件重要的事。 准备好一个有理有据的Yes or No的问题答案。 如果你不能马上答出问题,放松心情,给自己时间想一下。 如果允许你用白纸和笔来做辅助,尽管在纸上画些帮助提振记忆的图。