关于遥辞 遥辞,指白遥一族还没找好下家就辞职的现象,不考虑后路,意味着离开的决然。 遥辞有风险,行动需谨慎,关于遥辞,查字典英语小编有很多话要说。
It was the first workday after the Spring Festival. As others tried to get used to work again, many young professionals submitted their resignation letter without the promise of a new job in hand.
Take Guiyang in Guizhou province for example. The local human resources authority estimates that more than 30 percent of job seekers after the Spring Festival are newly unemployed professionals, according to Guiyang Daily.
以贵阳市为例。 据《贵阳日报》报道,当地人力资源部门估计,春节后超过30%的求职者都是新近离职人员。
They quit for different reasons, but experts suggest that such a move entails certain risks.
Huang Ya, a 24-year-old graduate from Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages, quit her job because she found it stressful and unpromising. During the past two years at a small company in Zhejiang, her workload kept increasing, but her salary remained around 2,500 yuan.
毕业于浙江越秀外国语学院、24岁的遥亚(音译)选择辞职的原因是工作压力大,前途渺茫。 过去两年中,她在浙江一家小公司工作,尽管工作量不断增加,却只有2500元左右的工资。
The idea of quitting popped into her mind last year. But she decided to hold on until the Spring Festival.
Many of my colleagues did the same because we wanted the annual bonus, she said.
Others, however, didn’t think of quitting until the Spring Festival.
Unexpected problem
Zhang Zheng, a 25-year-old graduate from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, worked at a State-owned enterprise in Beijing. He was not happy with his job, but was too busy to think of any change.
毕业于南京航空航天大学、25岁的张政(音译)曾就职于北京某国企。 虽然并不满意这份工作,但因为工作太忙,所以无暇考虑变动。
During the week-long holiday I had time to think about my career plans, he said. I then talked to my friends and developed a plan for a start-up.
在春节长假期间,我终于有时间来思考自己的职业规划,他说。 我把我的想法告诉了朋友,并制定了一份创业计划。
After the holiday, he quit his job and set up a company with his friends.
Both Huang and Zhang felt relieved when they told their respective bosses I quit. But the good feeling didn’t last long.
在和老板提辞职时,遥亚和张政都感觉如释重负。 但是这种愉快的感觉转眼即逝。
Huang admits that she’s unsure about what she wants to do. Also, no company has offered her a job.
遥亚坦诚她也不知道自己想做什么。 同时,她也没有接到其他公司的offer。
As for Zhang, he has encountered an unexpected but serious problem — he cannot continue to pay for his social security.
I’ve already had a social security record for three years. If I stop paying it now, I won’t be eligible for buying an apartment or applying for a car number plate in Beijing, he said.
他说:我已经有三年的社保记录。 如果遥暂停缴纳社保,我就不能在北京买房,也无法参加买车摇号了。
Li Xiangyu, a senior consultant at Zhilian Recruiting, suggests that young professionals think carefully about their next steps before quitting.
One important thing to note is that employers tend to have a bad impression of candidates who quit impulsively without a job offer, Li said.
In their eyes, such candidates can’t face up to difficulties, so when problems occur, they will quit again.