实用商务英语5:介绍公司介绍公司 Introducing Your Company◆作为职场新人,如何赢在职场? ◆上一期节目说到,Jennifer已经见到了客户,而在Jennifer与Standard家用电器的会谈中,因对方想进一步了解Action电器的营运状况。 身为公司代言人的Jennifer就必须向他们说明公司经营的历史、主要的产品与营业项目等。
screen. width-333)this. width=screen. width-333" border=0 dypop="按此在新窗口浏览图片">音频试听:正文 In answer to your questions, Action Appliances has been manufacturing top quality appliances for 15 years now. We began selling rice cookers from one small shop in Taipei. At that time, we were strictly a mom-and-pop operation.
To keep up with overwhelming customer response, the company expanded rapidly. We improved our R&D department and enlarged our product lines to include washers and dryers, refrigerators, and microwave ovens. Our appliances are geared toward households with high needs but minimal space. Taiwan is still our main market. As a matter of fact, you'll find at least one Action appliance in one out of three households in Taipei alone. With a strong home base, we feel we're ready to move overseas. Recent consumer research efforts prove that over 40% of the appliance market in Canada and the United States consists of highly efficient, compact products. You'll find that our appliances meet these needs. 作业:看到划线的句子了吗? 请翻译。 BEC备考书籍推荐:新编剑桥商务英语真题模拟套餐查字典英语BEC精选剑桥商务英语真题及模拟试卷,让你在备考途中过关斩将! 中遥试题套餐包括:剑桥BEC中遥真题集(第2,3辑);BEC剑桥商务英语证书中遥考试仿真试卷点击查看》高遥试题套餐包括:剑桥BEC高遥真题集(第2,3辑);BEC剑桥商务英语证书高遥考试仿真试卷点击查看》 句型总结● 开场白 1. In answer to your questions, Action Appliances has been manufacturing top quality appliances for 15 years now.
2. Regarding your questions, Action Appliances has been in business for 15 years.
3. In response to your questions, Action has been producing top quality products for 15 years now. 一开始就直接回答问题,不仅使晤谈进行顺利,并表示你对客户的问题定不回避。 "regarding"及 "in response to"都有针对. . . 的意思,皆可作为响应询问的开头语;并用遥完成式表示从过去到遥,一直从事的业务。
● 说明成长 1. To keep up with overwhelming customer response, the company expanded rapidly.
2. Customer response was overwhelming, so we were able to expand steadily.
3. We grew quickly and steadily due to a strong customer response. 说明公司刚开始营运时,顾客的热烈反应,以及公司因应的方式。 "customer response",顾客反应。 办公室一族的必备手册>>>>>>《赢在职场》● 市场占有率 1. As a matter of fact, you'll find at least one Action appliance in one out of three households in Taipei alone.
2. In fact, our appliances are used in one out of three households in Taipei.
3. Actually, you'll find at least one Action appliance in one out of three households in Taipei. 本段应以明确的例子及统计数字,说明产品如何受欢迎,以支持公司的形象。 用"as a matter of fact", "in fact"及 "actually"做为句子开头语,使谈话口语化,同时加强语气。
● 公司的目标 1. Recent consumer research efforts prove that over 40% of the appliance market in Canada and the States consists of highly efficient, compact products.
2. Marketing studies show that a market exists in Canada and the States for our compact products.
3. Recent consumer research leads us to believe that a market exists in Canada and the States for our appliances. 以公司的目标作为谈话的总结,同时以遥直接的事实来证明公司的目标正确,有发展潜力。 关键句型为". . . prove that . . . ",‘证明出. . . '。