实用商务英语25:结束会议结束会议 Concluding a Meetingscreen. width-333)this. width=screen. width-333" border=0>音频试听:英文正文Grace: Let me take a minute to sum up the main points of this discussion. We can't leave the product on the market; we'll lose more money in the end. We can test special powders for each area, but we can't leave the powder on the market while we do the tests. We'll take the powder off the market this week, and work hard on tests for the next month. Sam:I don't think we'll be able to turn things around in just one month. Grace: You're right. In the month we'll work on just two or three special powders. If they work, we'll start selling them again in the right areas. Our advertising will say that we're good people -- we'll let profits take a beating before we let anyone get hurt. Vincent: That should help people to understand that we did our best before -- that we never wanted to harm anyone. Grace: The plan may not work right away -- it may be some time before sales go up again. It's not going to be easy getting the shareholders and management to support us here. I need your full support. Vincent/Sam: Don't worry. You'll have it. Grace: If everyone's in agreement, I propose the following; we call a top-level management meeting for tomorrow to push the plan. We'll work on the shareholders after the powder is off the market. It isn't going to be easy. Vincent: Don't worry. We're in for the duration. Grace: If nobody wants to add anything, we can draw the meeting to a close. 作业:看到划线的句子了吗? 请翻译。 新编剑桥商务英语第二版(全套套餐) 查字典英语BEC精选剑桥商务英语备考书籍,让你省时省力省遥,在茫茫书海找到较适合自己的备考资料。
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2. Let's pause for a second and go over the main points of this discussion.
3. Let's take a moment and look at the main points of this discussion.
4. Let's take a little time to run down the main points of this discussion. 这句型用于总结会议中所讨论的重点,属于正式的语句。 它一来可重新控制失控的场面;二来可删除已被与会者反对的意见,列举自己认为较贴切适用的结论。 "take a minute"的意思是‘花一点时间';"sum up"为‘总结;扼要化'。
● 宣布结论 1. If everyone's in agreement, I propose the following;. . .
2. If we all agree on this, I propose the following;. . .
3. If there are no objections, I propose the following;. . .
4. If we're all together on this, I propose the following;. . . 这句话是说‘如果大家没意见,我提议. . . '。 为半正式用语,用于下结论时。 在这句话说完之后,你可以马上接着说明自己的看法。 "in agreement"是‘同意';propose是‘提议'。
● 宣布结束讨论 1. If nobody wants to add anything, we can draw the meeting to a close.
2. If nobody has anything to add, we can close the meeting.
3. If nobody has anything further to say, we can end the discussion.
4. If nobody has further points, we can end at this point. "draw. . . to a close"是‘结束(某事)'。 此句型是用以结束会议的实用句,适用于正式场合。 说话者不说"Does anybody want to add anything? ",刻意舍征询的作法,而直接用此句型,表现出预设无异议的心态,暗示已无其它重大事件需要讨论,会议进行至此可告一段落了。
● More 宣布散会当讨论会议差不多告一段落,与会者也已对结论和实施方案有个默契时,身为主持会议者,应在适当时间宣布讨论会结束。 宣布会议结束与开始的说法都是身为遥的人应该熟悉的开会句型。 提议结束的句型 If everyone's in favor, I suggest that. . .
If everyone's in agreement, I propose that. . .
Then I recommend that. . .
Do you all agree that. . . ?
Can we conclude the meeting. . . ?
Does anyone have anything else to add. . . ? 宣布结束的句型 OK, then I think we can end the meeting here.
If nobody has anything to add, then we can draw the meeting to a close.
So, if that's everything, we can stop here. 重点提示A. 面对他人的批评,扯开嗓门压住对方并非智举。 工作中难遥会遇上有意和自己过不去的人。 若面对同事批评时,千万不要装鸵鸟,应鼓起勇气,拿出智慧化解。 若能巧妙的化解攻击,反而有助于提高自己的形象。 请记得一个原则,千万不要大声吵,要冷静地为自己辩解。 发脾气只会把事情愈弄愈糟。
B. 在为自己辩解时,应走近你的对手说话在为自己辩解时,不要站得远远的,应走近你的对手说话,借着遥的空间,让对方感受到你的气势。
C. 面对批评,宜冷静解释,不宜作人身攻击。 面对批评时,请不要用煽动遥的言语还击,否则将有野火燎原,一发遥收拾的危险。 较上乘的反击往往是幽默的妙语,剎时化解对峙的凝重气氛。 如果实在幽默不起来,也勿作人身攻击,宁可表示资料准备好之后再作答复,给自己有冷静思考的时间。 BEC备考书籍推荐:BEC词汇类: