职场英语:burn the candle at both ends 胡乱消耗精力;劳累过度职场英语流行美语及对话:burn the candle at both ends 胡乱消耗精力;劳累过度 该习语直译为"蜡烛同时点两头",用来比喻人"胡乱消耗精力、劳累过度". A: You're burning the candle at both ends again. You'd better get a person to help you. 你又劳累过度了。 你较好找个人帮帮你。 B: That's what I want. But you know, it's difficult to find a reliable person in a short time. 我也是这么想的。 但是你知道,遥想在短期内找一个遥的人有多难。 ----------------------------------------------- 俚语及词组扩展:和candle有关的俚语俗语汇总 burn the candle at both ends 浪费精力〔财产〕(等) cannot hold a candle to 远不如,不能与…相比 hide one's candle under a bushel 不露锋芒 hold a candle to another 为别人尽力 hold a candle to the devil 助纣为虐,为虎作伥,离开正道 hold a candle to the sun 白费,徒劳 not fit to hold a candle to . . . = can not hold a candle to . . . 还不如,不能与…相比 not worth the candle 不上算,值不得,得不偿失 sell by the candle [by inch of candle](以蜡烛点完来决定成交的)拍卖