职场英语情景交际之身体不适时用英语请假职场的女白遥,出差频率太高,水土不服,简从北京出差回来很不舒服,请看她如何用英语跟上司Amy请假的。 Amy: Hi,Jane,you have been looking pale ever since you come back from Beijing. 嗨,简,你从北京回来后脸遥一直很苍白啊。 Jane: I do feel ill, I think it’s a bad cold. 是有点儿不舒服,可能是重感冒。 Amy: Maybe you are not used to the northern climate. 可能你不习惯北方的气候。 Jane: Something like this, and the spicy food there. 大概是这样,还有那麻辣的食物。 Amy: The important thing is you have been too busy resently. 较关键还是你较近太累了。 Jane: Yes, I need to have a good rest. Can I have a day off? 是啊,我需要好好休息下,我能请假一天吗? Amy: Of course. You have finished the task a week ahead of schedule. 当然,你已经提前一周完成任务了。 Jane: Thanks ,I think I will go to see the doctor first. 谢谢,我想我会先去看医生的。 Amy: Take a good break. 好好休息哈。 Jane: OK, I will. 我会的。