职场美语对话第38集:橙子和柠檬--怎样保持良好的客户关系BBC English at Work Episode 38: Oranges and lemons BBC白遥工作英语第 38 集:橙子和柠檬 怎样保持良好的客户关系Narrator: 大家好。 公司里遥情况有些紧张。 Anna 和新来的同事 Rachel 相处并不很容易。 她告诉老板 Paul, Rachel 工作上的问题但 Paul 却没有任何反应。 So Anna, how are you feeling today? Anna: Frustrated! All that work I put in getting the contract for Imperial Lemons and Rachel has sent out a load of second-hand plastic oranges. Narrator: 我想你得赶紧和客户联系,解释怎么回事儿。 Anna: I guess so. (To Tom) Oh hi Tom. Tom: Is she about? The man-eater? Anna: No, it’s all clear, she’s gone out for a cappuccino. Tom: Good good. Look, I managed to call the guy she bought the second-hand oranges from and I cancelled the order. Anna: Phew! Great! Tom: Yeah, yeah… and last night I managed to order some Imperial Lemons and sent them to that company in France – Fruit Traders International. Here’s the paperwork. Anna: Tom, that’s brilliant! Here, let me give you a big hug – you saved the day! Tom: Ooh, that’s a bit tight. Denise: Oh not again! You two just can’t leave each other alone…Anna: Bbbut it was just…Denise: Say no more Anna. Now, I was looking for my special red pen, have you seen it anywhere? Tom: No. Funny that, my pens have gone missing too. Denise: I’ll go and get some more. Tom: Now Anna, I don’t want to interfere but have you called that company in France to see how they are? Anna: Well, they’re fine aren’t they? Denise: It’s good customer service to call them and see how they are. Anna: But what do I say? Tom: Tell you what. I’ll go over there and you can call me and practice. Anna: Right. (Shouting across office) OK Tom, I’m calling your number now. Tom: (On phone putting on posh voice) Hello – Fruit Traders International. Anna: Yes, hello… (silence)Tom: Introduce yourself and ask me how I am. Anna: Oh right. Hello, I’m Anna from Tip Top Trading. How are you today? Tom: I’m very well. Now ask about the order. Anna: I hope you have received our Imperial Lemons and that you are happy with the order. Tom: Yes, very very happy. The lemons are… fantastique! Anna: Oh that’s good. We do hope you are pleased with our service and that you may use us again. Tom: We certainly will. Thank you. Anna: Do you have any questions you may want to ask? Tom: No… actually yes… err, can I… err… can I buy you dinner sometime? Anna: Very funny Tom. They won’t ask that! Tom: No. I’m asking you. Anna: Oh right… erm… OK then… yes! Narrator: Hooray! 或者我该说 oh dear? 傻 Anna 怎么同意和 Tom 共进晚餐? 这里还有活 儿没做完呢。 Don’t forget to make that call to your client Anna. Anna: No I won’t – in fact I’ll do it right now. Narrator: Good! 好了,让我们来回顾一下 Anna 可以用到的词汇和表达: Hello I’m Anna from Tip Top Trading. How are you today? 你好,我是 Tip Top 公司的Anna, 遥你还好吧?
I hope you have received our order and are happy with it. 希望你已经收到了你的订单,都还满意吧。
We do hope you are pleased with our service and that you may use us again. 希望你对我们的服务满意,我们也期待着你的下次订单。
Do you have any questions you may want to ask? 你还有什么问题吗? Denise: Are you OK Anna? You look a bit annoyed. Anna: I am. I just called our client in France to check everything was OK and they said Rachel had already called them and told them our lemons were so last season and they would be stupid not to choose oranges. Denise: That’s terrible. Tom: Hey Anna, how about this restaurant for our date… I mean, our business meeting… look at the menu…Anna: Not now Tom. Rachel has messed things up again. She’s causing so much trouble. She’s got to go. Tom: Oh… yeah right. This calls for action…Narrator: Oh dear. Rachel 这次可闯祸了,又该 Anna 来收拾烂摊子了。 不过她能做什么呢? 我们下期节目再继续。 Bye! • Listening Challenge 听力挑战 Denise 和 Tom 都掉了什么东西? (答案:他们的笔。 )