职场美语对话第30集:两人合作智慧多---议价用语BBCEnglish at Work Episode 30: Two heads are better than one BBC白遥工作英语第 30 集:两人合作智慧多 议价用语Anna: (On the phone) …yes, we have plenty in stock. They’re £4 per unit… Oh, well, they are good quality ones…Narrator: Anna 联系的法国公司回电了。 真希望他们能下订单。 Anna: …. laser technology isn’t cheap… hmm, I see… Well, thanks for calling back… Bye. Paul: Everything OK Anna? Anna: Not really. One of the companies I cold called has rung back…Paul: Good, good…Anna: …but they don’t want to place an order. They say we’re too expensive. Paul: So you let them go? Didn’t you negotiate with them? Anna: Oh, was I meant to? I wasn’t sure what to say. Tom: Having trouble Anna? Don’t worry, I’m sure I can help. Negotiating is my thing! Narrator: "Negotiating is my thing"! 这么骄傲? 不过 Tom 当过年度较佳雪梨销遥员,所以 他还是有点儿能耐的。 Anna: Are you sure Tom? Don’t you want to negotiate your own deals? Tom: I owe you one Anna after you saved my bacon with Mr Socrates the other night. And besides, you and me…Paul: Come on you two. Get a move on. Europe is waiting for us! Custard cream? Tom: Right. Now you need to call that French company back and ask them what kind of price they are willing to pay. Anna: And then say that’s fine? Tom: No. Negotiate. Say "I don’t think we can go that low. "Anna: "I don’t think we can go that low. "Tom: If they want a bigger discount, tell them they would have to buy more stock. Anna: More stock, bigger discount. Tom: And if you still can’t agree a price tell them "I’ll meet you half way. "Anna: Meet half way? ! That means going to Paris. Tom: No! Half way on the price. That line always works for me. I sold a load of plastic pears that way once. Anna: So that’s "I’ll meet you half way". Thanks Tom. I’m really impressed. You… you…Tom: Do you? ! Anna: What? I was going to say, you really do know your stuff – despite what other people say. Tom: Uh? Anna: Right, I’m off to make that call right now. Narrator: 祝你好运 Anna, Tom 表现真不错! 他的建议还挺有用的,不过能行吗? 让我们再听 听 Tom 的建议。 What kind of price are you willing to pay? I don’t think we can go that low. If you buy more stock I can offer you a bigger discount. I’ll meet you half way. Narrator: 不知道 Anna 那边怎样了…Anna: Success! They’ve agreed to buy 5,000 Imperial Lemons. Tom: Brilliant. I knew you would be great. Did those killer lines of mine work? Anna: Sort of – but when I said what price were they looking to pay, they said the full price as long as I send them the contract today so I had better get an envelope and post it as soon as I can. Tom: Oh great. Anna: Tom… Tom…can you come over here to the stationery cupboard and get an envelope from the top shelf for me? Tom: Suppose so… (Door slams shut)…oh! Anna: Oh Tom, why did you do that? It won’t open… it’s locked… help, help! Tom: Help! Narrator: Uh Oh. 这可有意思了,Anna 和 Tom 被反锁在文具柜里了,他们该怎么解释呢? 我们下期节目继续。 Bye! Listening Challenge 听力挑战法国的公司同意从 Tip Top Trading 购买什么商品?