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BBC English at Work 白遥英语 Episode 2 4 : No s moke without fire
BBC白遥工作英语第 24 集 :无风不起浪 紧急情况下用的表达Fire alarm Denise: Tom?
Tom: Here.
Denise: Anna?
Anna: Here Denise.
Denise: And Paul?
Paul: Yes, yes, I'm here and there's no need to panic, that was just a fire drill – a practice.
Narrator: Phew, Tip Top 贸易公司看来是保住了。
不过下次可能就是真 的了,Anna 如果有火警的话,要你负责大家的疏散任务,你知道该怎么做吗?
Anna: Oh, not really.
Narrator: 定要保持冷静,给大家清楚的指令: There's no need to panic.
Please leave the building and meet outside.
Use the stairs not the lift.
当你在大楼外的时候,你可以问 is anybody missing?
有谁不在这 里吗?
Anna: OK, thanks, but I hope I'll never need to use them.
Paul: Well done everyone.
Hopefully you all know what to do in the unlikely event of a real fire.
Now, to celebrate, I'm off to buy some really nice biscuits for all of us – you know, those special double-choc ones.
Back to work everyone.
Denise: Honestly!
I was in the middle of an important call.
Tom: And you never got see any firemen in action, did you Denise?
Back in the officeAnna: Look at the time.
I really need to get on with my work.
Tom: Yeah, and I've got to check on the latest football… I mean share prices.
Hold on, can anyone smell smoke?
Fire alarmDenise: (On phone) I don't believe it!
The fire alarm's gone off again.
I'll call you back Marge.
(Hangs up) Oh, where's Paul when you need him?
Anna, you're going to have take charge.
Anna: Me?
What about Tom?
Denise: It looks like Tom has gone already.
Narrator: 记住,Anna, 你需要清晰的给大家明确的指令,让大家保持冷静。
Anna: OK.
Err… there's no need to panic.
Please leave the building and meet outside.
Denise: Hold on, I just need to grab my elephant dung notepad and red pen.
Come on then Anna, into the lift.
Anna: No Denise.
We must use the stairs not the lift.
Denise: Oh, with my knees!
Anna: Jump up Denise, I'll carry you.
OutsideAnna: (Quietly) Could I have your attention please.
Narrator: Anna, 大声点儿!
Anna: (Loudly) Could I have your attention please!
I need your full attention.
Please stay calm.
I'm sure there's not a fire, just a bit of smoke.
Is there anybody missing?
Denise: Well, there's no smoke without fire, hey Tom!
Has anyone seen Tom?
Oh, that's Tom coming out of the building and he's carrying someone on his shoulder!
Anna: It's Mr Ingle from the warehouse!
Tom: (Out of breath and coughing) It's OK everyone… I've put the fire out… it was in the warehouse.
Mr Ingle here had been smoking!
Anna: Mr Ingle!
Mr Ingle: Err… yeah… sorry.
Narrator: Sorry indeed!
Mr Ingle 可真的是闯大祸了。
不过恭喜你,Anna, 你处理紧急情 况非常妥当恰当,让大家都安全离开了办公楼。
以下是她用到的一些表达: There's no need to panic.
Please leave the building and meet outside.
Use the stairs not the lift.
Is anybody missing?
看来 Tom 这回可当了英雄,表现还真不错。
Mr Socrates: Say Honey, looks like I've come at a good time.
Have you seen a guy called Paul round here?
Anna: He's not here, he's gone to buy some… err… biscuits.
Can I help?
Mr Socrates: Yeah sugar.
I'm Mr Socrates, Paul's boss, and I've come to sort this business out.
Tom &Denise: Mr Socrates!
Narrator: Oh no!
• Listening Challenge 听力挑战
Tom 把什么人扛出大楼?

答案: Ingle 先生