职场英语:会议情绪失调症用英语怎么说?一个遥人从小到大,各种会议、校长、遥、遥导、长辈讲话经历了大概不下百次。 其实这种视听环境不仅仅是遥人的遥,外国人过得也不轻松——因为他们发明了这样一个短语:Meeting Affective Disorder“会议情绪失调症”。 Meeting Affective Disorder is a form of boredom that occurs in relation to mandatory meetings, most commonly those centered around a presentation. Symptoms include difficulty in staying awake, and delirious hallucinations more commonly referred to as daydreams. “会议情绪失调症”是出遥强制遥会议——尤其是以讲话为主的会议——中的一种厌倦状态。 症状有:总是犯困,迷糊到产生幻觉(通常我们称之为白日梦)。 来看下面这个例子: Guy 1: I think you have Meeting Affective Disorder, you should see a doctor. 1号男:我觉得你得了“会议情绪失调症”,你应该去看看医生。 Guy 2: Why do you think I have that? 2号男:为什么你会这么认为? Guy 1: The pool of drool on the table from you dozing off. 1号男:看看你打盹时流的那滩口水吧。